Curriculum Overview
Year 2 Summer Curriculum overview
This term we will continue to look at the events, causes and consequences of ‘The Great Fire of London’ and use our skills as historians to interrogate the evidence available. Children will use their new-found knowledge to write diary entries, noting the features of this type of text. Following on from this, the children will be hosting their own enterprise project, Bengeworth Bakery, in order to raise money for a worthwhile cause of their choice.
In our maths the children will be revisiting the four calculation strategies in order to ensure that children are secure when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, both mentally and using written methods. They will be using money skills to calculate total costs for bakery items, working out change, weighing, measuring and comparing, as well as using data to help make decisions about food to be sold. Through practical activities, children will be extending their understanding of shapes, including angles, types of triangles, symmetry and reflection. As much as possible, children will use the outdoor environment to support their learning.
In our Literacy focused lessons we will be focusing on the structure of different types of texts and will be learning to use these features accurately in independent writing. Children will be developing their use of language to ensure that they engage and excite the reader. During this half term, children will be putting all their literacy skills, including punctuation, sentence starters, adverbs, adjectives and connectives to good use while writing recipes, letters, invitations, diaries and recounts. They will also continue to become familiar with the parts of a sentence through targeted Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar sessions (SPAG).
Science this term will be based on ‘Plants and Animals’. We will enjoy using our local environment, as well as the forest during a trip to a local wood, to gain first-hand experience. Children will be investigating and comparing the features of living things, as well as learning about the way they contribute to our world. Children will learn about the conditions needed for growth and will be able to name and describe the parts of a plant accurately.
PE this term includes the creation of a ‘Fire Dance’, as well as improving our striking and fielding skills outdoors. Children in Year 2 will also enjoy a weekly session with Commando Joe, as well as fortnightly Forest School sessions.
Children will have many opportunities to develop their creative sides this term, with learning activities that help them develop their sketching and drawing skills, their use of colour, their understanding of tempo, pitch and rhythm. They will also have opportunities to compose their own songs, complete with lyrics, which they will perform to others in the year group.