Curriculum Overview
Year 4 Summer Term
This term our topic is ‘Habitats’. Our focus will be on two main habitats: The Amazon rainforest and Antarctica.
Our topic this term will explore both fiction and non-fiction writing including letter writing, descriptive writing, diary writing and story writing as well as fact files and newspaper articles. We will be focusing on sentence structure and how to tailor our writing to suit a variety of audiences. We will continue to work upon handwriting with the hope of all children being able to join in a legible, cursive style.
In Maths, we will initially be focusing on statistics to teach the children how to present and interpret data in a variety of ways, including bar charts, line graphs and pictograms. We will then be looking at fractions. This will include finding equivalent fractions, adding fractions with the same denominator, ordering fractions and recognising equivalence of fraction, decimal and percentage. In addition, we will continue to develop strategies to solve calculations including all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and apply these in a variety of problem solving activities. Finally, we will continue to rehearse times table facts for all times tables.
Our whole topic has a Science slant, but we will be particularly learning about the effects of deforestation and global warming on the animals which live in these habitats, as well as creating rainforest food chains and food webs. In addition, we will look at the ways animals are perfectly adapted to their environment and how evolution has played a part in this.
In Art and Design we will be designing rainforest shoeboxes to show the layers of the rainforest as well as experimenting with watercolours. We also hope to use charcoal to create some beautiful Antarctic scenes.
PE this term will involve swimming for Mrs Churchill’s class, and striking and fielding for both classes.
Our RE this term will be a week long topic to finish the half term where we will be studying Hinduism in more depth. The children will be experts by the end of the week!
We look forward to sharing our learning with you at the end of this term!
Mrs Roleston and Miss Summerfield