At Bengeworth CE Academy we promote a passion for music. Singing is an integral part of Collective Worship and the children regularly learn hymns and other songs which link closely to our school values.
We aim to provide stimulating topics which the children become fully absorbed in using a cross-curricular approach therefore Music lessons are incorporated within each topic. We are also very lucky to have acquired the Charanga scheme of work which allows the children to develop their composition, performing and listening skills.
We also offer a wide range of peripatetic lessons. These take place for violin, piano, flute, clarinet, drums and guitar and are delivered by qualified professionals in each instrument. As well as these lessons, there are also extra-curricular clubs and activities linked to music, including a rock band.
Performances are one way that music is shared in school. During the year each class/year group performs class assemblies and productions, all of which include music in some shape or form. This could be a class song, a composition using percussion instruments or a recording of music the children have composed.