In order to provide a wide range of text types for our chlldren, the school uses a number of reading schemes from different publishers. These texts have been colour coded using the 'book band' system which grades books by difficulty into bands of different colours. This enables children to explore texts at an appropriate level and includes text types such as stories, traditional tales, non-fiction and information books, poems, playscripts and autobiographies, to name but a few. As children progress with their reading during their time at Bengeworth, they will move from coloured band to coloured band until their reading skills enable them to access carefully chosen free-readers.
The following reading schemes are used:
- Oxford Reading Tree, including Floppy's Phonics, Songbirds Phonics and Treetops
- Big Cat Phonics
- Rigby Star Rocket
- Project X
- Ginn Supersonics
- Ginn 360
- Ginn Pocket Series